In basic ways, transfiguration is the process at the heart of all other forms of Earth/Spirit tending. Whatever terms we give to it, it all boils down to this: A deep, profound and ongoing transformational process that helps you to perceive, experience and more fully inhabit your innate divine nature through a vibrational connection facilitated by your desire/intention, concentration/discipline, action and the loving presence of the Helping Spirits. By continually intending and acting to align yourself with your own divinity or true nature, rather than with your perceived limitations and failings, and then experiencing that divinity in an embodied state(if only for a few moments!), you will find yourself more easily able to perceive and experience the divine and perfect nature of all that’s around you, even through veils of great destruction and pain that may be present. This expansive resonance within your heart and spirit creates an energetic invitation and uplifting for others and external circumstances to respond vibrationally in kind as well--it is entrainment. This is a deeply needed and very effective way of bringing balance to so much of the world or within us that just feels hopeless or too big to deal with through other known means. Truly a process of “as within, so without.” Transfiguration is evolving work on the self, and is the core of the work that every sincere Earth/Spirit-based practitioner continually does to be the most open and reliable “hollow bone.”