“If someone asks “What kind of love is this?” say “Let go your tiller and see.” ————- Rumi

What moves me to offer myself in the ways described in this website is the undeniable beauty and courage that lie within human nature, within you, even in those of us who have become overshadowed in some way and who suffer (bodily wounds, current and ancestral mental/emotional loss and traumas, ostracism, sickness, neglect, abuse, exclusion, uprooting, deprivation, disenfranchisement, etc.) and the real potential and opportunity for change that exists when we come into deep relationship with the earth and benevolent spirits. We still are part of the animal world and have an intrinsic nature that long evolved to live cooperatively within the laws of nature because we are nature. We are all a creative expression of this wondrous planet who is so far reliably regenerative, generous, wildly diverse in expressiveness and fully conscious. Instead of living in a poisonous industrial culture that preys relentlessly upon most inhabitants and the earth herself, we could and can re-align ourselves with the ways of the Earth and create in an informed, balanced way to enhance all earth species in their thriving. What could be more wonderful than this? It includes you too…. I know most of you who find yourself on this page are likely longing for inextinquishable peace, spell-binding beauty, generous and stimulating creative time, sane loving connections of all kinds, equitable living and working spaces and opportunities, fecund, healthy bio-regions nourishing diverse species, more honest and aware self-expression, a dynamic cohesiveness, and a sense of truly belonging to this life. I also know that we have reached a difficult and unknowable point in our time on Earth and that whatever lies ahead calls for our deepest capacities to be fully human. If this all feels true for you then please continue…..

As you read through this website, you will find that I use the words Earth/Spirit tending as much as possible rather than shamanism or shamanic in a way where I have grounded, felt knowing that the way I inhabit this world, the practices and lenses I use, are often called shamanic or shamanism in popular culture; that I personally find those terms increasingly burdened by modern cultural misunderstandings and practice, and-- for me-- often lacking in that they don’t reflect my history and miss the mark of the present moment relational experience I inhabit and share. So I have separated myself from them when possible while trying to not confuse others or have my languaging appear as an indictment of those terms or those who use them; it is not. I simply asked myself over and over, who am I and what is it I actually do? Words are often spells, so what words feel right to my blood and bones? My reply is that I observe, listen, apply and then tend--I tend relationships with the Earth and spirit realm. And thus the epithet.

.In the Services section below I congregate this tending of what I offer into distinct categories, despite that they are not at all discrete: healing/medicine rites, teaching/mentoring, and ceremony/ritual; all of which focus on coming into conscious relationship with the heart of the Earth, her home the Cosmos and those dwelling therein, seen and unseen, and living this into community in service of Life. I have experienced this to be a path on which we can discover, uncover, the more essential natures of our humanity in a way that is ongoing and open to change.

Within these realms of experience you can find that I offer personal as well as community guidance for ways to respectfully meet and tend your Ancestors and other dead when needed and be tended by them, for reconnecting and working collaboratively, sanely and effectively with benevolent spirits of the Earth and Cosmos, for relating to other than humans, for tending land areas, their bright forces and inhabitants who have suffered loss or violence in some way through human overshadowing, for remembering our capacity for moving with the truth of human grief as well as the great ecological grief of this time, for learning good death praxis, and for generally evolving an animistic relationship with life. All of this is basically for the practical purpose of being able to be present without drama and other forms of evasion to meet with your gifts intact the greater dynamics at play in the world which are perpetuating collective insanity and destruction in ways that counter the on-going harm. I do this through offerings I design in tandem with my spirit council as well as collaboratively with those who want to shape what they receive according to their needs.

I offer to act as a steady, experienced guide and fellow traveler as you reignite your biological/spiritual heritage of this knowing of inspirited communal, grounded relationship with the seen and unseen; a reflective companion as you learn and practice sound inquiries and re-form new perspectives and behaviors and I also offer earth-based rituals to lovingly understand and transform the process by which our remembering has been overshadowed and the consequences; to enter conscious reconnection with the Earth and Spirit realms for a return to the orientations called for by these times and to celebrate the wonder and beauty of all of this Earth life. I engage all of these ways through the lens of the Soul as Artist.

I do not practice or represent any specific cultural tradition as I do not directly come from one and have learned my fundamental practices from feral, long-term trial and error application and tracking of guidance received mostly from Earth and some ancient ancestral spirits. Much, much later I refined and learned how to somewhat language as well as refine these practices under the auspices of a few credible teachers within a companionable community. This is a way that is available to most anyone



The most widely known form of earth/spirit tending practice is that of healing/transformation and the transmission of medicine rites. From an Earth/Spirit tending perspective, all imbalances, whether physical, emotional, mental or energetic, begin in one's spirit and earth/spirit tending addresses these imbalances at their source. And from an earth/spirit perspective, this imbalance is not solely within the individual, but mostly derives from and is an expression of the imbalance within the greater environment.



People the world over have always had rituals and patterns of belief and behavior that include the unseen world of Spirit as the most vital source of their nourishment and power. These kinds of practices truly are our birthright. I help those in contemporary life learn about these kinds of perspectives, effective practices and their slowly evolving expressions through private and group mentoring, workshops, retreats, online courses, a blog, etc. 




Ceremony and ritual are deeply nurturing, powerful and loving ways to be fully human. They help us form more effective intentions, they assist us in developing discipline, focus and concentration, and they bring us into conscious community with ourselves, with each other, with the beings of the Earth and the rest of the multi-dimensional cosmos, with creative power, and with our Source and the entire spirit world. They create the way of Beauty.


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