If you feel you have a string of bad luck accompanied by a sense of heaviness, dread or depression; or a negative pattern that is resistant to every conceivable effort to change, and feel like you are simply “cursed,” there’s a chance you might be right.  Curse unraveling is a very useful and direct process of dissolving beliefs about who we are or what is possible for us that have originally been sent to us from others either consciously or unconsciously; that have been inherited through our lineage; or that we have unwittingly inflicted upon ourselves, and that are sustained by some kind of continual energetic funding.

Curses that are old and inherited through family lines often involve very basic survival needs like land, work or lovers. Modern curses also often deal with power, money and status. And though there are certainly intentional, malevolent curses, many curses come from unconsciously projected and received thought-forms along the lines of something like “You’re never going to amount to anything,” or “You’re never going to be loved” or “You’re the reason I’m so miserable.” When this is sustained by some form of energetic attention, these beliefs act as curses for they continually limit our freedom to develop along the natural lines of our soul, despite our many attempts to heal in other ways.  

In addition to the benefits to an individual, curse unraveling can also be used when one has been placed on an entire family, an animal, on land, a home or any kind of structure, a group, a creative endeavor, etc.  After completing the unbinding of all the elements of a curse, which includes finding the original source, what is funding its continuance, and where it is attached to the client (spirit gates, subtle bodies), a practitioner’s Helping Spirits will then bring through the light energy needed to uplift and rejuvenate what was formerly debilitated by the curse.