This process helps to develop conscious connection, communication and harmony between humanity and the other physical and spirit beings of the earth: with the over-arching life force and guiding wisdom of Mother Earth; as well as with the rest of the multi-dimensional cosmos, so that we can all live together in beneficial, creative, inspiring and cooperative ways as well as recognizing how interwoven we all are. This is especially powerful needed, and nourishing for those who feel lost and disconnected from life in various ways, for those intentionally working with environmental systems, raising healthy food, planning communities, teaching children, caring for animals, doing healing work, building habitats, etc. in order to achieve the best results through knowing and respecting the true needs of all the different beings within the relevant life-force field. However, for anyone, connecting in respectful relationship with the non-human lifeforms where we live, both the seen and unseen nature of them, is essential to knowing who we really are; to be being fulfilled, discerning and grateful.. The spirits of nature are our family, and have love and wisdom to share in reciprocal relationship, and when ignored or damaged, the painful consequences surface in our own human lives.